

Kalvi Ulaviyal Kotpaadukal




English Works

01 Arthur I Gates Psychology for the Students of Education
02 Bernard, Harold W Psychology of Teaching and Learning
03 Bernard, Harold W Mental Hygiene for Class Room Teachers
04 Bhath, HR Elements of Educational Psychology
05 Boaz, GD Educational Psychology
06 Boaz, GD General Psychology
07 Charles E Skinner Educational Psychology
08 Davie MB Hygiene and Health Education
09 Elizabeth B Hurlock Child Development
10 Frank W Thomas & Albert R Long Principles of Modern Education
11 Gardiner Murphy & Arthur J Backrach An Outline of Abnormal Psychology
12 Glen Myres Blairs & Stewart Jones R Educational Psychology
13 Greene and Jorgensen Measurement and Evaluation in Secondary Schools
14 Guilford JP Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
15 Guilford JP General Psychology
16 Herbert Sorenson Psychology in Education
17 Hughes G and Hughes EH Learning and Teaching
18 Jung CG Psychology of the Unconscious
19 Marian E Bracken Ridge and E Lee Vincent Child Development - Physical and Physiological Growth through the School years
20 Munn, Norman L Psychology - The Fundamentals of Human Adjustment
21 Nelson, L Bossing Progressive Methods of Teaching in Secondary Schools
22 Pincent A The Principles of Teaching Method
23 Robert S Woodworth and Donald G Marquis Psychology
24 Ross, CC Measurement in Today's Schools
25 Ross, James S Ground Work of Educational Psychology
26 Sir Cyril Burt The Backward Child
27 Stansfeld Sasgent S The Basic Teachings of the Great Psychologists
28 Stephens JM Educational Psychology
29 Susan Isaacs The Nursery Years
30 Valentine CW Psychology and its bearing on Education
31 Walter W Krueger Fundamentals of Personal Hygiene

Tamil Works


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